We are finally being allowed back on the water but with the restriction that the crew must all belong to an extended household.An extended household can consist of members from up to 4 households.

To comply with guidelines from our sports governing body and home nations, we must make some small adjustments to the way we book and continue rowing. To help everybody, we have published a simple document which is published on the website https://adventurerowingclub.co.uk/covid-19. The guidelines have also been printed out for your reference in the club.

Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the protocols we all need to follow, from when we arrive at the show ground to when we leave. If you have any questions please let us know by emailing Matt Mayne at [email protected]

The important thing is that we all try to reduce the risk to all other members as much as possible. With this in mind please be alert and use your common sense. Guidelines may change as the situation evolves so please keep an eye out for any communications from the club.